Bee's & Nucs
Local WA raised bee Nucs. A bee nuc has five deep frames total: 2 frames with honey and bee pollen, 3 frames with brood and all frames are filled with bees and a laying queen for $200. Pre-order now and pick up in April.

A.M. Ligustica
Italian 200$
The subspecies A. m. carnica, from central Europe, also has been a favored bee stock in the U.S. for several reasons. First, their explosive spring buildup enables this race to grow rapidly in population and take advantage of blooms that occur much earlier in the spring, compared to other stocks. Second, they are extremely docile and can be worked with little smoke and protective clothing. Third, they are much less prone to robbing other colonies of honey, lowering disease transmission among colonies. Finally, they are very good builders of wax combs, which can be used for products ranging from candles, to soaps, to cosmetics.

A.M. Carnica
Carniolan 200$
favored among beekeepers for several reasons, not the least being its ability to defend itself successfully against insect pests while at the same time being extremely gentle in its behavior toward beekeepers. These bees are particularly adept at adjusting worker population to nectar availability. It relies on these rapid adjustments of population levels to rapidly expand worker bee populations after nectar becomes available in the spring, and, again, to rapidly cut off brood production when nectar ceases to be available in quantity. It meets periods of high nectar with high worker populations and consequently stores large quantities of honey and pollen during those periods. They are resistant to some diseases and parasites that can debilitate hives of other subspecies.

Hive Sets
We sell our local bees in complete hive sets. Complete hive sets are two-story, 16 frames total, each story box comes with 8 frames, top lid, bottom board, full with bees, brood, a laying queen and some honey for $320. Another option we have is two story box that comes with 20 frames, which have top lid, bottom board, full with bees, a laying queen, brood and some honey for $360.

How We Deliver
You can imagine how difficult bee's are to transport, for this reason we only deliver to Washington with fees that vary in size consistent to distance from Black Diamond. We also arrange pick ups for no additional fee, selling bees is a much more difficult process than honey, so we ask customers who are interested to contact us for more information. We also do installations for a separate fee.
Our Services
we provide our customers with raw and all natural honey from the evergreen countryside of the Puget sound
Bee's and Nuc's
we sell bee's perfect for US consumers due to their ability to adapt to the ecosystem around them and their docile nature
With over 12 years of commercial pollination experience, we have grown our business with our reputation and customer service. We serve California, Oregon, and Washington